Eli Jacobson’s life on Earth is a lie, a carefully orchestrated deception that begins to unravel when he discovers his true origin: he is the son of an advanced civilization from the planet Eloxon 5. Raised among humans, Eli is the chosen one, sent to judge whether humanity deserves to continue its existence or be eradicated for the greater cosmic good.
“Between Two Skies” chronicles Eli’s journey from an unassuming life on Earth to the heart of a galactic dilemma. After being whisked away through a black hole, Eli finds himself on Eloxon 5, a world where peace and harmony have reigned for over two thousand years. Here, he learns of the Caretakers’ concern for Earth’s self-destructive path and their interventions throughout human history, which have all ended in failure.
Faced with the ultimate decision, Eli must reconcile his Earthly emotions with his Eloxonian heritage. The Caretakers have watched as Earth’s inhabitants have consumed and destroyed, and now Eli must decide: will he be the harbinger of humanity’s end, or will he find a way to save his home planet?
“Between Two Skies” is a tale of identity, destiny, and the search for a middle ground between two disparate worlds. It is a story that asks the reader to consider what it means to be human and what we owe to the universe that cradles us.
JC Crawford is a storyteller at heart, drawing from a rich tapestry of life experiences. In his first two books, Trashbag Chronicles Volume 1: No Respite and Volume 2: Hurt People, Hurt People, JC delves into raw, unfiltered narratives that resonate deeply with readers. When not writing, JC enjoys exploring the worlds of science fiction, anime, and religious studies, finding inspiration in the extraordinary.