Book Detail

Paul's Journal by Keith Dixon

Paul's Journal

by Keith Dixon

Pages: 254

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • FICTION - Christian - Historical
  • FICTION - Christian - Biblical
  • RELIGION - Biblical Studies - Paul's Letters

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9798868500978

Price : $17.49

A fresh and inspiring account of history’s most important Church builder – from his perspective.
Far from the untouchable images of heaven-gazing saints, the apostle Paul ruthlessly focused on his earthly duty to build God’s Church. Before his dramatic conversion he had violently tried to stamp out a heretical sect of Jews – the first Christians. But Paul’s encounter with Christ turned his boundless energy to building the young and fragile Church into an established and enduring body.
For many modern Christians, Paul’s eagerness to act for the Lord, willingness to face danger, and seemingly inexhaustible zeal make him the very model of Godly purpose. But Paul was not perfected on the Road to Damascus. He was human, with a life that spanned decades of personal and spiritual development.
Taking the Bible as literal Truth, Paul’s Journal offers readers the opportunity to walk with this pivotal messenger of Christ, from the Acts to the letters and beyond. Presented as a first-hand account, it places Paul’s familiar voice within enriching historical and cultural contexts that will engage and edify any Christian.
Shining a new light on his life from persecutor to martyr, this may be the second-best narrative of Paul ever written.

Author Photo

Keith Dixon graduated from Hillsdale College with a degree in History before finishing law school and becoming in-house counsel for a small engineering firm. He never expected to write this book, so Paul’s Journal sat in a computer file for the better part of a decade before Keith finally finished the manuscript. By the grace of God, who kept him safe through some fairly wild years, Keith lives with his wife – fellow Hillsdale-grad, Jennica – their three children Adelaide, Clarence Patrick, and Eloise, and their German Shepherd Fenrir in an idyllic western Wisconsin neighborhood.

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