Two good friends who work at a moribund television station under a tyrannical boss, are pleased to find out they are being sent to work a calendar girl photo session at a giant shopping mall. Once they get to the mall, they find that a time warp in the mall has introduced several T-Rexes plus Josef Stalin, Leon Trotsky and a band of deadly Bolsheviks into the situation.The dinosaurs are bent on lunch and Stalin is planning to take over the mall and use the time warp to conquer history.
With the help of the scantily clad calendar girls the duo battles the dinosaurs and use the time warp to draft some famous people from American history to fight Stalin. In the end Stalin is confronted, the boss is humiliated and the two heroes each meet a girl.
Mark Jordan lives in his hometown of Henryville, Indiana and has long worked in television production. He currently is a camera operator for two horse racetracks in Kentucky. The idea for Time Mall came from a dream Mark had about 20 years ago. He originally wrote it up as a screenplay. After the script sat around for years it was decided to turn it into a novel.