Book Detail

Offensive of left-wing liberalism and fight against it by conservatism and, potentially, by new centrism. by Roman Perman

Offensive of left-wing liberalism and fight against it by conservatism and, potentially, by new centrism.

by Roman Perman

Pages: 84

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • POLITICAL SCIENCE - Political Ideologies - Conservatism & Liberalism
  • POLITICAL SCIENCE - Political Ideologies - Democracy

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662895869

Price : $12.49

From the author: In this case I do not consider it necessary for someone to represent me, to describe any of my merits. They do not matter. The important things are the reason this book was written, what questions it answers. Here are the main ones:
What is left-wing liberalism? What are its main traits? Why is left-wing liberalism so dangerous? Why does it lead to the collapse of the economy and traditional family and significantly limit our liberty and democracy? Is it compatible with true liberalism? How to prevent the impending usurpation of power in the United States by the Democratic Party, which has fallen under the rule of left-wing liberalism? What should Republicans do? What is necessary for the normal development of the economy? What policy contributes to this to the maximum extent? What is democracy? What political party should be in power in the United States? What else can we do to save all the best that has been created in the country during its existence? What is New Centrism? Why does the USA need it? Why the political party based on New Centrism (New Center Party) should be the third biggest party in our country? How should be resolved the very important question about illegal immigration? Why doesn’t the Democratic Party do anything to protect our borders from illegal immigration? How should also resolve the very important question about abortions? What social and economic politics should provide the governed party? New political currents are proposed - New Centrism and (broader) United Centrism.

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