by W. T. Earley
Pages: 416
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662863288
Price : $22.49
Type : Dust Jacket
ISBN : 9781662866067
Price : $39.49
In a post-WWIII dystopian world, China and her proxies reign supreme. Freedom is a distant memory. The CCP’s puppet regime, the Legacy, mercilessly controls what was the former continental United States.
Molon Labe resistance fighters combat for a return to American values, while Leon y Cordero – an underground Christian organization – sees its numbers begin to burgeon internationally. Population control is dictated by an implantable device tied to a unique Coin. The secrets of the Coin are understood by a limited few. The dangers associated with the Coin are extreme, hidden, and final.
After her husband dies under suspicious circumstances, Dr. Jeannie Garcia is unavoidably thrust into a world she never knew furtively coexisted alongside her stable, regime-privileged life. To save herself and her two young girls, Dr. Jeannie is forced to confront her husband’s secret double-life, the regime’s treachery, and her own unwitting complicity in it all.
Excerpt from The Coin
Klein sighed deeply. He winced. It caused some abdominal pain, but that pain was nothing compared with the emotional pain he was feeling. It was more than discomforting. It was disheartening at the deepest level imaginable. One of the greatest countries the world had ever known, if not the greatest, was gone. Cause of death? Assisted suicide.
He paused to contemplate this reality. How did he not see the convergence of all these factors before it was too late? He closed his eyes. He closed his eyelids tight. Then he prayed. He hadn’t prayed in a very long time. It was so long ago that he forgot how to do it, but he just prayed, nonetheless. He asked God for help, for guidance, for intervention. He thought of Christ on the cross and the pain He must’ve suffered. He thought of Jesus crying out to His Father, asking why He had forsaken Him.
Klein kept repeating his prayer. A sense of calm rushed over Klein. It was as if an ocean wave totally enveloped his body, heart, and mind. He felt a warmth of spirit he had not felt in decades. He was at peace.
Then, as if through the peace and strength he now possessed, the fighter in Klein woke up. He asked himself this question: Was the greatest country in the world gone for good? He answered his own question: Not without a fight, it wasn’t. Not without a fight.
W. T. Earley is an American author, lawyer, broadcaster, speaker, and community leader. After graduating from high school, he lived in West Berlin, Germany, for one year as
a foreign exchange student during the height of the Cold War. He holds degrees from San Diego State University (Business Administration - Finance) and Georgetown University
Law Center.
While living in Washington, D.C., W. T. worked on Capitol Hill in the United States Senate. Throughout his professional career, he worked at the intersection of law, business, politics, and public policy. A tireless advocate for common sense solutions to our nation’s biggest challenges, he has been a respected voice for families, older adults, those battling disease, the displaced, and everyday Americans.
An avid traveler, he has journeyed to over two dozen countries. A native Californian, he, his wife, daughter, and chocolate Labrador retriever live in the Upper Midwest.