by Frank S. Kacer
Pages: 174
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662838033
Price : $15.49
You can’t escape politics, it’s in the very air you breath. Whether you have a passing interest or want to be aggressively political, 65 Wisdom Principles for Christian Political Activists is a unique resource for any political “newbie” or seasoned “politico” wanting to honor the Lord. Drawing from decades of applying Scripture to contemporary political issues, this book addresses the unique challenges that Christians encounter in political warfare. Whether it’s voting, running for office, or anything in between, this book will prepare you in ways you’ve never been challenged before.
Praise for “65 Principles”
In “65 Principles”, Frank Kacer has a remarkably unique resource for any Christian wanting to make a difference in the caustic world of politics. Relying on an incredibly rich combination of political experience, biblical insights and a mentoring heart, Frank has written a practical book that will challenge and strengthen every Christian, whether they’re politically experienced or not. But be warned, although each short chapter is easy to read, they are densely packed, on point, and convicting!
—Dr. Jim Garlow, founder and CEO of Well Versed, Inc.
Frank Kacer has been a biblical worldview, political activist for over twenty-five years; mentoring Christians to engage politics in a Christ-honoring, biblically balanced manner. Author of numerous columns on Biblical Politics for Christian publications and the online Washington Times “Communities,” Frank is founder of the Christian Citizenship Council, and the Research, Content and Curriculum Director for Well Versed, a ministry bringing biblical principles of governance directly to government leaders. He is also the author of Christian Fratricide – Why Christians Continue to be Divided Politically. Professionally, Frank was a physicist in the Department of Defense Intelligence Community for over 35 years, and has served as a lay pastor at Grace Bible Church for 28 years.