The Fight for FSB Argonne
by John Arsenault, LtCol, USMC (ret) Thomas Gourneau, USCG
Pages: 272
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662813139
Price : $17.49
Type : Dust Jacket
ISBN : 9781662813146
Price : $32.49
The stories of war and survival
told by the Marines that were there
“What shines through from this bare-knuckled, furious battle is the core ethos. It comes though loud and clear when you read chapter after chapter in different voices. These Marines had no battlefield prep, no intelligence, no cohesive leadership. What held them together was the Marine spirit. There was nothing else. Wow! What an epic fight!”
- Bing West, author of The Last Platoon and The Village
“LZ Sitting Duck shows battle from the bottom up. In personal statements it captures the chaos, bravery, confusion, fear, and fighting spirit of Marines of the First Battalion Fourth Marines who fought a fierce hill battle with regular North Vietnamese Army forces in March of 1969. Readers will learn about combat down in the dirt at the very tip of the spearpoint.”
- Karl Marlantes, author of Matterhorn and What’s It Like To Go To War
Returned from Vietnam, discharged in 1970. Attended community college for one semester
and decided to explore America. In 1971, I went camping in Alaska and stayed for the next 30
years. Worked in the Alaska Prudhoe Bay oilfield, the Trans Alaska Pipeline as one of the first
“Ice Road Truckers” in 1974. In 1985 reenlisted in the USMC Reserve, Company “E”, 4th
Reconnaissance Bn. Anchorage, Alaska. Attained Force Recon qualification. In 1990 was field
commissioned and assigned commanding officer. After 9-11-2001, deployed to Afghanistan and
Iraq, retired as LtCol in 2008. Now living in Virginia, near Chesapeake Bay.