One Family's Journey of Courage and Hope
by Eadie Pulkkinen Sickler
Pages: 202
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662808227
Price : $16.49
Faith…Hope…Determination… words describing the Sippola family’s courage as they immigrated in early 1900s from their homeland of Finland to America. Their 13 children’s lives are highlighted in this interesting book, written by one of their granddaughters. Finnish recipes included!
Edith (Eadie) Pulkkinen Sickler is a second-generation Finnish-American, and enjoys being of 100% Finnish heritage.
Having lived in northeast Ohio most of her life, she now resides in north central Florida.
Her writing background is in the field of journalism, having been a reporter, columnist and editor. She retired as an administrative assistant.
Eadie enjoys writing, reading, home decorating, cooking, canning and entertaining. Her true joy, though, is in being a child of God and in being a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, and in her cherished family and friends.