Truths of Life
by James W. Bryant
Pages: 220
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662801648
Price : $23.99
Type : Dust Jacket
ISBN : 9781662801655
Price : $39.99
Think on This is a collection of Proverbs that were written and recorded over a span of years in the life and times of its author. The original intent of these idioms was for the health, wealth and direction of his children and their future families. Although the author conveys these writings to be original to him in structure, he also concludes that there is absolutely nothing new under the sun. After having recorded over 3,000 truths and faithful sayings, the author decided to publish many of them in this topically indexed book.
James W. Bryant cites pursuing and recording the truths of life to be his passion, second only to knowing him that is truth, Christ Jesus his Lord. As with King Solomon’s instruction, “go the ant,” Bryant too believes that much of life’s questions can be answered through the careful observations of life and nature itself.