30 Truths About American Liberals and Their Agenda
by Gregg J. Cavanagh
Pages: 84
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781631295140
Price : $12.49
Type : Dust Jacket
ISBN : 9781631295157
Price : $25.99
To hear liberals tell it, they are the most competent and compassionate people in America. They are constantly “fighting” to end poverty, provide universal health care, stop gun violence, and save the planet.
Yet despite all of this effort, liberals never seem to solve anything. Meanwhile, government keeps growing, freedom keeps shrinking, and the liberal elites keep getting rich off of the American taxpayer.
How can this be?
In A Conservative’s Guide to American Liberalism: 30 Truths About American Liberals and Their Agenda, attorney and writer Gregg J. Cavanagh destroys the myth that liberalism is designed to benefit society as a whole, and instead exposes it for the parasitical and self-serving ideology that it is. In these pages, you will discover:
How the liberals’ one true goal explains everything they say and everything they do
Why every liberal solution to every problem involves more government, less freedom, and higher taxes
Why liberals spend large amounts of their own money to acquire power, but rarely spend that same money to solve social problems
Why liberals must use deception and force to enact an agenda that they insist “the American people want”
Why liberals cloak themselves in American institutions, principles, and values, even as they do everything in their power to tear them down
If you want to understand American liberals and their agenda, this book is for you.
GREGG J. CAVANAGH is an attorney who has represented employers in labor and employment matters for more than 35 years. It was during his clients’ disputes with labor unions that he was first exposed to the tactics of the American left. A lifetime of observation has led him to the truths that form the foundation of this book. He received a BA summa cum laude in economics and political science from the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts and a JD from the University of Minnesota Law School. He has written extensively about public policy matters in his hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota.