A Modern Discussion about Constitutional Originalism and how Socialism is Illegal Under our Constitution
by Colin McWay
Pages: 224
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781545676240
Price : $16.49
Type : Dust Jacket
ISBN : 9781545676257
Price : $30.49
The Constitution, Consent and Communism is a book meant to enable our fellow citizens to be conversant in our Constitution. The original intent of our Constitution is clear as it enshrined the American principles that were articulated in the Declaration of Independence. Today, somehow, our society has become unmoored from those founding principles. Our Country was founded, above all else, with the Consent of the Governed. The founders and framers asked the states for permission to centralize discreet, delineated functions; they showed the process by which they could expand upon those functions. For about one hundred fifty years the system worked, then one day it stopped working.
The Constitution, Consent and Communism will show in a brief, uncomplicated and accessable way how the framers intended the system to work, and it will illustrate that nothing has systemically changed to make the Constitution any less relevant today than it was in 1789.
The book concludes with an examination of communism (socialism, etc.) with the intent of demonstrating how those ideologies are unconstitutional.
A successful read of the Constitution, Consent and Communism will give the reader the ability to say ‘hey, the government has no standing to do that’ and be able to articulate why. Hopefully in some small way the book will allow us to hang onto our republic just a little bit longer.
Colin McWay has had a long term admiration for all types of history. He spent much of his early life dressed up as one historical figure or another. He has enjoyed a successful business career in communications technology, specializing in tactical communications solutions for homeland security and national defense. While traveling the globe he immersed himself in history books and documents gaining important insights on how to communicate his knowledge. Colin lives with his wife and three rescue dogs; Gibson, Gretschen, and Tux in Blue Ridge Georgia where he continues to immerse himself in American history, play guitar, banjo, and mandolin and make pizza.